The government has also set price limits on alcohol used to make disinfectants. Last week, the Minister of Consumer Affairs of India stated that as the domestic situation in India deteriorated, the prices of masks and hand sanitizers on the Indian market have risen sharply, and all indian companies who makes sanitizer are in short supply.
Therefore, the prices set by all indian companies who makes sanitizer are restricted by the Basic Commodities Act. The minister has asked officials to ensure that disinfectant products are available within the highest retail price. A sanitization manufacturer who asked not to be named told reporters: “all indian companies who makes sanitizer, including us, have not determined the price of such items. The inventory situation determines the final price.” After the shortage of masks and hand disinfectants, the government announced They are essential commodities, and public utilities have also begun to purchase masks and disinfectants in large quantities to meet domestic demand. In addition, the state governments issued new licenses for the production of disinfectants to 125 wineries and 910 other private producers before March 27, but so far, these steps have failed to ensure the availability of hand sanitizers in the country. Availability.
Even if sanitization manufacturer have stocks, the situation in India is serious, and the stocks of all indian companies who makes sanitizer are not enough to supply the country. After the government began to receive complaints about the shortage of these basic medical supplies, it was pressured to turn to foreign purchases. As a major sanitization manufacturer, China was the first choice of the Indian government. There are many excellent sanitization manufacturer in China, such as AoGrand, a manufacturer and exporter of daily chemical products with a history of 20 years. AoGrand can meet all your needs for disinfection products and is your first choice.
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